Speaker FAQ
Q. Does NASN provide honoraria to speakers?
A. No honoraria is provided unless special arrangements have been made. It is the speaker's responsibility to pay conference-related expenses including lodging, travel, per diem, and registration fees should attendance and/or NCPD contact hours be desired.
Q. Can speakers attend sessions other than the ones they are presenting?
A. Speakers who pay a fee and register as an attendee for some or all of the conference can attend sessions that are included with their registration.
Q. Do speakers receive NCPD contact hours for the sessions they present?
A. Speakers do not receive NCPD contact hours for sessions presented.
Q. Can speakers receive any NCPD contact hours?
A. Speakers who pay a fee and register as attendees for some or all of the conference can attend sessions and receive NCPD contact hours for sessions other than sessions presented.
Q. Does NASN provide training to speakers?
A. Speakers at virtual NASN conferences are guided through the recording process by the recording team. Speakers also attend a technology orientation in late May or early June to prepare for the question & answer part of their session online.
Q. If a speaker is no longer able to present, what should be done?
A. Notify Devin Dinkel at ddinkel@nasn.org no later than April 1st. NASN will work with speakers on a case-by-case basis to find the best resolution.
Presentation FAQ
Q. Are there presentation slide guidelines?
A. See Presentation Slide Guidelines for details.
Q. When are presentation materials sent to NASN?
A. Attendees expect to have access to presentation slides and handouts. In order to fulfill their expectations, speakers will be asked to share presentation slides and handouts by Wednesday, May 15, 2024, by 12:00 p.m. (noon) Eastern Time Zone.
Speakers will receive information on how to upload slides and handouts in early April. If you are a speaker or presenter and do not receive details, please contact Devin Dinkel at ddinkel@nasn.org.
Q. Will presentations be recorded?
A. Virtual conference presentations including live web sessions, anytime sessions, and poster presentations will be recorded. NASN's recording team will connect with the presentation's point of contact to schedule recordings in late May or early June. Presenters will be well prepared and rehearsed for the recording.
Virtual conference presentations will be video recorded. Presentations must be 60 minutes in length; 60 minutes of lecture and audience engagement. Presentations that are less than 55 minutes do NOT meet the needs of the NASN conference schedule. Presentations that are longer than 60 minutes will “cut into” the post-session Q&A time. When recording the session, you may include pauses for audience engagement not to exceed one (1) minute in length. [Audience engagement such as Responses in Attendee Chat, Polls, and /or Case Scenarios.]
Poster presentations will be audio recorded. Presentations must be 15 minutes in length. One poster presenter per poster will be recorded.
Q. Will presentations be broadcast live?
A. Virtual conference live web sessions will be broadcast live. No other session types will be broadcast live. Presenters of live web sessions will meet with NASN virtually when their session is broadcast to review audience questions and prepare for the Q&A. Presenters will attend a technical training meeting a week or two before the broadcast to be oriented on this process.
Q. Will NASN photograph presentations at the conference?
A. NASN does have a photographer at the conference. Presenters grant permission to NASN to take photographs of them and to publish photographs in any format at NASN’s sole discretion.
Q. Still have a question?
A. Direct all questions to NASN2024; 1100 Wayne Avenue; Suite 925; Silver Spring, MD 20910; conference@nasn.org