Web Meeting 091724: Meet the Editor: Why Wasn't My Manuscript Accepted for Publication?

When:  Sep 17, 2024 from 15:30 to 16:30 (ET)

Program Overview
The Journal of School Nursing Editor, Dr. Martha Dewey Bergren and NASN School Nurse Editor, Dr. Catherine Yonkaitis, will provide brief tips for authors and will field comments and questions from aspiring authors during this interactive web meeting.

There is no cost for this activity and no NCPD contact hours will be awarded.

Learning Outcomes
As a result of participating in this educational activity, learners will be able to:

    • List common reasons for “desk rejects”.
    • Identify key steps prior to manuscript submission.

          Martha Dewey Bergren, DNS, RN, NCSN, PHNA-BC, FNASN, FASHA, FAAN
          Executive Editor
          The Journal of School Nursing

          Clinical Professor Emerita
          University of Illinois Chicago College of Nursing


          Catherine F. Yonkaitis, DNP, RN, NCSN, PHNA-BC
          NASN School Nurse

          Clinical Associate Professor
          Director, Advanced Population Health DNP Program
          Associate Department Head,
          Department of Population Health Nursing Science
          University of Illinois Chicago College of Nursing


          To Register:  https://my.nasn.org/events/upcoming-events 
