NASNs PCORI ASIST Study Community of Practice

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Question Regarding Stock Inhalers

  • 1.  Question Regarding Stock Inhalers

    Posted 04-03-2024 14:02

    Good afternoon. We get regular questions regarding stock albuterol inhalers. The evidence supporting use of as-needed steroid inhalers for students with mild, persistent asthma may only increase those questions. Addressing health inequity has been one of the reasons for growth in access to stock inhalers in schools. As we have shared, the same issues of being underinsured, lack of consistent provider access, cost, and other family challenges may also inhibit regular use of a steroid inhaler and provide support for shifting to as-needed for those that meet the criteria and have orders. Inhaled corticosteroids can bring more complexity to this stock medication practice. Please consider replying with your situation related to the following questions. Also feel free to pose your own questions for input and discussion.

    • Is a stock albuterol inhaler available in your schools for those students with orders?
    • If yes, does the authority for a stock inhaler come from state law, district policy, and/or standing orders?
    • Do you have any students with as needed steroid inhaler orders so far?
    • Has the issue of a stock steroid inhaler come up at all? 

    Thank you for your input, and for joining the discussion.

    Ann Nichols MSN, RN, NCSN, FNASN