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SCASN Strategic Plan 2023

The Definition

Strategic Planning is a process for determining how best to pursue the organization's mission while meeting the demands of the environment.

The Process: How to Build a Strategic Framework Through Strategic Planning

1. A vision for your future.

2. A mission that defines what you are doing.

3. Values that shape your actions.

4. Strategies that zero in on your key success approaches.

5. Goals and action plans that guide your daily, weekly and monthly actions.

New Mission Statement

SCASN brings SC school nurses together for collaboration, education, and advocacy to optimize the practice of school nursing and the delivery of school health services so that nurses can support all students with healthcare needs to be able to attend school and learn.

New Vision Statement

That all students have access to a skilled and knowledgeable school nurse who supports their ability to attend school and learn.

SCASN Core Values

• Communication and Networking

• Leadership Development

• Data and Evidence

• Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

• Ethics and Integrity

• Continuous Quality Improvement

• Mentorship and Self-Improvement

SCASN Strategic Goals and Objectives

Goal 1: SCASN will demonstrate effective Governance to members, and prospective members.

Objective: Build a strong board with a sustainable transition model.

Objective: Create strong fiscal stewardship and resource management.

Objective: Devise effective recruitment and retention plans.

Objective: Utilize all communication platforms to promote SCASN and SCASN activities.

Objective: Promote those who demonstrate excellence in practice or support of school nursing practice.

Goal 2: SCASN will elevate school nursing practice through Education.

Objective: Seek opportunities to provide or promote educational opportunities for members.

Objective: Utilize the communication platforms to raise awareness of best practices, current public health guidance or other resources which can improve school health services.

Objective: Create opportunities for school nurses to share resources, request assistance from one another and network to inform and improve practice.

Goal 3: SCASN members will work together to meet their needs to Improve Health Services.

Objective: Provide members with forums to share and participate in research, data collection and evidence based best practices.

Objective: Encourage school nurses to promote equity, reduce disparities, and identify implicit bias when involved in policy or protocol development.

Objective: Collaborate to promote continuous quality improvement when concerns arise at the local, regional, or state level.


The South Carolina Association of School Nurses is an affiliate of the National Association of School Nurses. Membership in the National Association of School Nurses transfers automatically to membership in the South Carolina Association of School Nurses. One application and annual payment of dues secures membership in both organizations.