Any registered, professional nurse primarily assigned to the administration, education, or the provision of school health services. TASN presidents shall be classified as Active members for life upon the completion of a term as president. Active members exercise full membership privileges, including voting and holding office.
A licensed nurse who serves with the primary assignment, the administration, education, or the provision of school health services, may be an associate member. Associate members shall not vote or hold office.
To be eligible for student membership a person must be enrolled in a professional nursing program to meet requirements to become a school nurse or be a student not currently a nurse in a professional nursing program. Student members must submit proof of enrollment in a professional nursing program with the membership form. Persons who have completed the requirements to be a school nurse but are pursuing further education shall not be eligible for student membership. Student membership may not extend past five years. Student members shall not vote or hold office.
Any active or associate member shall, upon retirement, be eligible to become a retired member upon notifications to TASN. Any retired member who desires to remain in the active membership classification shall be required to pay full active dues. Retired members shall not vote or hold office.