• Fall Conference Call for Presentations

    If you are someone you know would be interested in presenting at our Fall Conference, please fill out this form!

  • Save the Date!

    The CASN Fall Conference will be held at the Embassy Suites Conference Center in Loveland, CO on November 8-10th. Mark your calendars now and keep a watch for registration information.

  • CASN Elections

    It is time to elect new Executive officers for CASN! We will be electing the following positions:

    • President-elect
    • Treasurer (2nd of two)
    • CASN/NASN Director (must have served previously as a CASN Executive board member

    You must be an active member to be nominated. Please consider increasing your involvement with CASN whether it be an elected or appointed office. 

    The deadline for nominations is May 14th. Please reach out to CASN President, Tammy Jeffery with any questions.

  • Spring Workshop Registration is OPEN!

    Please join us by registering for the CASN Spring Workshop on April 13th at the Colorado Early Colleges Inverness Campus 321 Inverness Drive, S. Englewood, CO 80112

    Register HERE

    Flyer for more information

  • Call for Presentations

    If you or someone you know would like to present at our Spring Workshop in April, please fill out this FORM. We are looking forward to hosting some amazing presenters! Deadline for submissions is January 31, 2024.

  • Save the Date!

    We are excited to announce our one-day Spring Workshop on April 13, 2024 at the Colorado Early College Inverness Campus in Douglas County.

    Stay tuned for more information including a NEW CASN Logo contest for a chance to wine registration to our 2024 Fall Conference. The winner will be announced at our Spring Workshop.

    Please also stay tuned for our Call for Presentations if you or someone you know is interested in presenting at our Spring Workshop.

  • Conference Evaluations

    Please be sure to complete your CASN conference evaluations in order to obtain your contact hours. We will keep the link open until Monday, November 27th.

  • Congratulations!

    Big congratulations to Ana Kim from DPS for winning school nurse of the year, and Marie "Mimi" Hailes from Goal High School for school administrator of the year! It was exciting to honor them at this year's CASN conference banquet. 

  • CASN Conference Assistance Scholarship

    Hello Colorado Nurses:

    I am happy to share that CASN will once again offer the Conference Assistance Scholarship. Yet another reason to join CASN!
    Please visit CASN Scholarships for more information on requirements and to complete your application!
  • “Mastering Self-Efficacy: A Key to School Nursing Success”

    Colorado Association of School Nurses 2023 Fall Conference
    November 3, 4, & 5, 2023
    Embassy Suites, Loveland, Colorado

    We invite school nurses to register for the CASN Annual Fall Conference. It is an opportunity to meet and network with other school nurses from all over Colorado. We have a great agenda planned for the weekend with many exciting presenters, including our keynote speaker Kate King, DNP, MS, RN, LSN, President of the National Association of School Nurses.

    Conference Price $210 for members, $270 for non-members. Pre-conference is a separate price depending on your choice.

    Link to attendee registration:

    Follow the LINK to exhibitor registration:  https://casnregisterexhibitor

    Follow the Link to sponsor registration:  https://casnsponsorregister

    For detailed information see the CASN brochure: CASN Fall Conference 2023 Brochure

    Contact: for more information.

  • Silent Auction

    Hello Wonderful School Nurses!
    The time has come to start gathering your donation items for the annual CASN Silent Auction!
    We would love for you, or a group from your school, to contribute a gift basket, or other donated items for the attendees of the Fall CASN to bid on.
    WHEN: The CASN Silent Auction will take place during the Colorado Association of School Nurses' Fall Conference November 3rd - November 5th, 2023, in Loveland, CO. 
    WHO:  You may participate as an individual, or with a group, by creating a basket, or any type of item/items, which we will display during the conference on Saturday and Sunday. These baskets and gifts will be available to bid on and the proceeds will go to the organization (see below for our WHY).  
    WHAT: Some examples of past items donated: themed “baskets” (such as sports items, Colorado themed, game night, date night, spa day, movie night, etc.), recipe and cooking combos, room décor, a week in a condo, a computer/laptop, table settings, gift certificates, candles, craft items like: quilts, cards, scarves, etc., or anything else that you think people would like to bid on. The more items we have, the more you can participate and bid on the silent auction! 
    WHY: All the proceeds go directly to the Bertie Eby Scholarship Fund. This is a fund to help school nurses further their education in nursing!  We awarded 37 CASN scholarships for a total of $9,250.00 for Colorado nurses to attend NASN 2019 in Denver. We have not had the silent auction since then due to COVID limitations, but let’s not let that stop us this year!
    HOW: Your basket and other items can be delivered to the conference registration desk any time on Saturday,  (Do NOT deliver to the hotel reception desk, please.) 
    Sign up in Sign-Up Genius if you are bringing an item! 
    Please add a tag which contains the following information:
    ·         A Title/Theme
    ·         The Donor/District
    ·         The Contents
    ·         Approximate Value
    ***You can request a receipt for your donation***
    • BIDDING: Bidding will begin on Saturday morning, during the first break. Bidding will end just before the last general session on Sunday. 
    • Winners of baskets and items will be announced at the conclusion of the conference. You do not have to be present to win but need to leave contact information. Thank you in advance for participating in the silent auction. Looking forward to seeing you all soon!
    Sarah Phillips, BSN, RN; CASN Secretary; Colorado Early Colleges;
    For CASN Fall Conference questions, please email: