The search for statutes, laws, rules (already in place) and bills (proposed new laws) begins with the Minnesota Office of the Revisor.
121A.21: School Health Services
121A.22: Administration of Drugs and Medicine
121A.221: Possession and Use of Asthma Inhalers by Asthmatic Students
121A.222: Possession and Use of Nonprescription Pain Relievers by Secondary Students
121A.2205: Possession and Use of Epinephrine Auto-Injectors; Model Policy
144.29: Health Records; Children of School Age
121A.15: Health Standards; Immunizations; School Children
121A.17: School Board Responsibilities (Early childhood developmental screening)
125A.21: Third-Party Payment
144.6585: Identification of Health Care Providers
8710.6100: School Nurse (Licensure)
Role of the LSN - MDE Letter 2003
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