Unified Membership Structure
The School Nurse Organization of Minnesota (SNOM) encourages all school nurses to join! SNOM is an affiliate organization of the National Association of School Nurses, Inc. (NASN). When you join, you are a member of SNOM and NASN with full benefits in both organizations. Membership dues are collected and managed at NASN national headquarters at https://www.nasn.org/membership. Retired School Nurses and BSN students are also eligible for membership.
Unlock the Value of Membership
Connect with other school nurses:
The All Member Forum connects NASN members nationwide into one private and professional online community.
The SNOM online community connects school nurses in Minnesota with each other.
Educational conferences hosted by SNOM and NASN have special member rates for registration.
NASN has four special interest groups (SIGs): School Nurse Educators; Private, Independent, and Parochial School Nurses; School Nurse Administrators; and Special Needs School Nurses. Members are eligible to enroll in any SIG at any time. Each SIG has a leadership group, a private online community and hosts a meeting at the NASN Annual Conference.
Stay current with indispensable resources:
The Journal of School Nursing (JOSN) is a peer-reviewed journal published in February, April, June, August, October, and December. It features original research articles. Members receive a digital subscription to this journal.
The NASN School Nurse is the official clinical journal of NASN and is published in January, March, May, July, September, and November. Members receive a digital and print subscription to this journal.
NASN Quarterly Connection is a member-only e-newsletter. It is published quarterly to keep members more informed about NASN member benefits, updates and resources.
The NASN Weekly Digest is NASN's e-news communication. It is published weekly and contains updates about NASN, its partners, and other school nursing related news items. Members are added to the subscription list on a monthly basis.
Members are kept informed by email of important events and programs happening at NASN including the annual conference, school nurse day, elections, and more.
Care for your students and you:
VSP VisionTM Eyes of Hope ® (formerly Sight for Students) is open to members. Through this partnership, members receive gift certificates for free vision care to share with students who qualify.
Professional liability insurance is available through Nurses Service Organization (NSO), a leading provider of insurance solutions for nursing professionals and an endorsed provider of NASN. Learn more or get a quote.
Increase your knowledge:
Online nursing continuing professional development (NCPD) in the NASN Learning Center. Programs having 1.0 or 2.0 contact hours are free for members. Others are discounted for members.
Danatech created by the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists is available to members free of charge. Danatech connects school nurses with the devices, expertise and innovations shaping the future of diabetes care.
Titles in the NASN Bookstore are always discounted for members.
Advance your career and profession
The SNOM Advanced Practice/Training Scholarship supports the advancement of school nursing practice in Minnesota by assisting Licensed School Nurses to further their education and professional development.
The Endowment Education Scholarship through NASN provides funding annually to one or more qualifying members pursuing post baccalaureate certification or graduate degrees.
The RN to BSN Education Advancement Scholarship through NASN provides funding annually to one qualifying member who is pursuing a bachelor of science in nursing degree.
The Diversity in School Nursing Scholarship through NASN provides financial support for registered nurses employed in schools from historically underrepresented racial/ethnic backgrounds to pursue advanced education in health-related sciences.
Research Grants through NASN fund qualifying research projects annually. Eligible projects must include a member on the research team.
The Advocacy Education Scholarship through NASN provides funding annually to one qualifying member participating in an advocacy education program.
The NASN Employment Center provides a list of jobs posted with NASN and other job boards. It has career resources like tips for resume writing. Members receive a list of new jobs in an email every two weeks.