Endowment Education Scholarship


Improve school nursing by assisting current professional registered school nurses or school nurse educators to pursue post baccalaureate certification or graduate degrees.


This scholarship originated as the Shirley Steel Award in 1994. Shirley Steel, NASN President (1991-92) from the state of Maryland, was a strong advocate for continuing education for school nurses. The original award was funded by a personal donation from Past President Steel and the Maryland Association of School Health Nurses. NASN has continued to budget and annually provide educational scholarships to NASN members who are advancing their education within school nursing.


  1. The NASN Scholarship Committee will determine the recipient(s) of this scholarship (up to $2,500) based on the number of scholarships determined by the Endowment Allocation Advisory Committee.
  2. Scholarships will be presented only to candidates who meet the established criteria; if there are no qualified applicants, no award will be made.
  3. Scholarship(s) will be mailed to recipient(s) and announced at the annual conference. Scholarship amounts are based on available Endowment Funds, as determined annually by the Endowment Allocation Advisory Committee and approved by the executive committee.
  4. Recipient name(s) will be communicated to the NASN membership.
  5. Recipient(s) will receive complimentary registration to the annual conference for year of scholarship.
  6. Information on the award history will be included in the application.

Applicant Requirements

  1. Current and active (classification) membership status in NASN for at least the past two years.
  2. Current license as registered nurse in state of employment.
  3. Current full time employment as a school nurse.
  4. Current acceptance or enrollment in an educational program.
  5. Have a baccalaureate degree or higher (this degree does not need to be in nursing). 
  6. The committee may make exceptions for applicants who are pursuing a combined BSN/MSN degree.

Applicant Responsibility

  • Demonstrate a serious intent to advance school nursing practice.
  • Submit a copy of RN license with the completed application.
  • Submit written verification of current employment as a school nurse.
  • Submit online application.
  • Scholarship must be returned upon failure to attend coursework planned.
  • Submit no later than October 15 (application interface open on or about August 15).
  • Applicants are permitted to apply for one scholarship category each cycle.


  1. Scholarships will be rated on the following criteria:
    a. Benefit to school nursing practice - 60%
    b. Impact on the community - 25%
    c. Educational goals - 15%
  2. The applicant’s ability to briefly and concisely respond will be factored into the decision.
  3. The scholarships will only be presented to candidates who meet the established criteria and can demonstrate quality of practice.
  4. The scholarships will not be presented if a qualified candidate is not identified.
  5. The decision of the committee will be final and not open to appeal.

Apply Now - Applications Due Oct. 15

Questions? Contact NASN.