Every Student Counts

NASN National School Health Data Set: Every Student Counts!

The National Association of School Nurses' (NASN) data Initiative, the National School Health Data Set: Every Student Counts! is designed to encourage a robust national school health data set that will:

  • Influence local, state, and national student health policy;
  • Identify best practices in school health; and
  • Better understand child health.

This design will lead to policies that better support the needs of students, increase evidence-based school nursing practice, and better youth health outcomes.

Data helps build bridges that connect school nursing to the rest of the health care system. This initiative provides the support and structure for the collection and use of data by every school nurse. Read the complete initiative vision document.

For more information, please email data.research@nasn.org

Three Pronged Approach

The National School Health Data Set: Every Student Counts! data initiative includes a three pronged approach to address its various components.  These components include building school nurse capacity, uniform data points, and data infrastructure.  Click here for more information on the three pronged approach.

Tiered programming

The National School Health Data Set: Every Student Counts! provides guidance to school nurses, school districts, NASN Affiliates organizations, and other organizations interested in child health using a tiered method so that each can begin "where they are" to increase data collection capacity.

DOWNLOAD a directory of state data coordinators.  Contact the coordinator in your state for more information on efforts in your state.