Call for Conference Presentation Submissions

The National Association of School Nurses (NASN) seeks evidence-based conference submissions supporting in-person and virtual NASN2025 learning outcomes and incorporating learner-centered strategies.

Deadline for submissions: October 11, 2024

Review a list of possible topics of interest.

Theme, Dates, Location

NASN2025 Stronger Together
NASN's 57th Annual Conference

In-Person | June 26 - June 29, 2025 | Austin, Texas

Virtual | July 7 - 9, 2025 | Online

Learning Outcomes

As a result of participating in this educational activity, learners will be able to

  • Describe one concept you learned at the NASN Annual Conference that promotes shared leadership in diversity, equity, and inclusion for all students’ well-being.
  • Explain how the use of data establishes a foundation of ethics, excellence, and integrity for school nursing practice.
  • Apply the knowledge learned at the annual conference that will impact your daily nursing practice to ensure students are healthy, safe, and ready to learn.
  • Identify two processes you will use to implement an evidence-based practice you learned at NASN's Annual Conference.
  • Identify two new evidence-based practices or resources from NASN's Annual Conference (sessions, exhibitors, or poster presentations) that can be used to promote academic success and the health of students and communities.
  • Identify strategies that prioritize the physical and mental well-being of the school nurse, students, and school staff.

Submission Requirements

1. NASN will require that ALL submissions include a discussion on Diversity, Equity and/or Inclusion as it relates to the topic being submitted.

2. ALL presentations must include a brief discussion of the topic’s connection to NASN’s School Nursing Practice FrameworkTM. Get more information about the Framework.

3. NASN will require that ALL presentations being submitted be presented by or co-presented by a school nurse to embody or demonstrate the application of the topic content to school nursing.

If you have any questions or need guidance, please contact Rodney La Point, MSN, RN at

Presentation Submission Deadline: October 11, 2024.

Need support?

Submission platform support: Contact Cadmium,

Conference questions: Contact Devin Dinkel, NASN Meeting Planner,

The National Association of School Nurses is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.

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