Conference Presentation Submission Resources & FAQ

Submitter and Presenter Resources

Submission FAQ

Important note about deadlines: There are several deadlines associated with the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) conference presentation submissions and presentations accepted for the inclusion at the annual conference. If at any point, a submission submitter, author, or presenter attached to a submission does not adhere to NASN’s strict deadlines and time frames, the submitter, author, or presenter attached to the submission jeopardizes their participation in the NASN annual conference. Despite having an accepted submission, NASN reserves the right to remove and/or cancel a presentation at any time if a submitter, author, or presenter is not compliant with NASN’s deadlines and/or guidelines. NASN will not be financially responsible for any incurred financial losses and/or reimbursements for presentations that are removed and/or canceled due to a failure to comply with and/or meet required deadlines.

Q. What if your submission has multiple authors?
A. Choose one author to be the submitter. The submitter can add new authors. The submitter can then edit new author details or they can invite new author(s) to fill out their profile. 

Q. What email address should I use for submitting?
A. NASN recommends the submitter use an email address where they can be reached during and outside of work hours and throughout the NASN annual conference planning months from October to July in order to prevent missing important notifications via email from NASN.

Q. Who reviews the submissions and considers the format requests?
A. The NASN Conference Review Group blindly reviews all submissions.

Q. How will I be notified if my submission is accepted?
A. NASN will send an email to the submitter of the submission.

Q. What if I submitted something, but have not heard back from NASN?
A. If you were not the submitter, NASN recommends you ask the submitter. If the submitter did not receive an email, please be sure to check spam folders. On rare occasions, notification email messages have been found in the spam folders. If you still cannot locate a response, please reach out to Devin Dinkel at

Q, What part of an accepted submission is included in conference materials?
A. The session title, description, learning outcomes, evidence-based references, and purpose statement will be used in various conference materials such as the conference program, mobile app, session abstract, and/or the conference website. 

The session authors and/or presenter names, photos, email addresses, titles, credentials, organizations, and experience (bio) will also be used in various conference materials such as the conference program, mobile app, session abstract, and/or the conference website.  

Q. What if the format of the submission needs to be changed?
A. The NASN conference team will notify you of the changes that need to be made.

Q. Will NASN edit the submissions and correct conventions such as grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors?
A. NASN is not responsible for making grammatical, punctuation, or spelling corrections or revisions to submitted work. It is essential that you and/or your team proofread your work carefully.

Presentation FAQ

NASN's acceptance of a submission does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products, or clinical procedures.

Q. What should I do if there is a change in the authors or presenters associated with an accepted submission?
A. If an author or presenter is no longer able to present due to lack of funding support, uncompleted work, etc., he/she must notify Devin Dinkel at no later than April 1st of their inability to meet their obligations to NASN. Personal reasons will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.

Q. When will my presentation be scheduled?
A. The conference schedule will be finalized on or about April 1st. Presentations accepted for inclusion at the conference are scheduled as best suits the needs of the educational session track and overall annual conference program.

Q. Does NASN provide honoraria to presenters?
A. No honoraria will be provided by NASN for breakout, workshop, or e-poster sessions at in-person conferences, as well as, breakout and anytime sessions at virtual conferences.

Q. What should I consider when preparing a presentation for the annual conference?
A. Presentations must include a slide to disclose the absence of or existence of a relevant financial relationship. NASN will provide the template; no template variations will be accepted.

Refrain from overt statements or pointed humor that disparages the rightful dignity and social equity of any person or group including but not limited to statements that relate to racial bias, immigration status, gender bias, sexual orientation, political affiliation, etc.

Follow accepted research procedures concerning the protection of human subjects and confidentiality.

Obtain written permission from copyright holders for the use of any previously published material, graphics, infographics, data, intellectual property, etc. in presentation slides or handouts. This includes photos of celebrities, movies, clippings, and all other copyrighted material.

Limit the acknowledgment of commercial support to the name of the entity providing support. Slides, handouts, and other materials shared with learners must be free of logos and trademarks of ineligible commercial interests.

Refrain from attempting to persuade learners to purchase or use a specific product, service, piece of equipment or device.

Q. When are presentation materials sent to NASN?
A. NASN will require presentation materials (slides and handouts) and e-posters by Wednesday, May 14, 2025, by 12:00 p.m. (noon) Eastern Time Zone.  

Q. Will NASN photograph presentations at the conference?
A. NASN does have a photographer at the conference. Presenters grant permission to NASN to take photographs of them and to publish photographs in any format at NASN’s sole discretion.

Q. Are presenters able to attend educational sessions at the conference besides the one(s) they present?
A. The submitter, author(s), and/or presenter(s) must pay a registration fee for the NASN annual conference if they want to attend conference sessions other than the one(s) they present and/or obtain NCPD contact hours for any session(s) other than the one(s) they present.