Together, School Nurses are Stronger
Essential Tools and Exceptional Content for School Nurses
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Join nearly 20,000 school nurses who are NASN members already. Together we are NASN Strong.
I am very proud to be part of such an amazing organization!
~ Kerry, Massachusetts
Stay Current
Keep up to date on the latest school nursing practice and clinical research with two journals. Journal titles are: The Journal of School Nursing and the NASN School Nurse.
Get the latest school health news, newly released resources, and upcoming events at your fingertips with the NASN Weekly Digest and the members-only Quarterly Connection e-newsletters.
Access online courses and other e-learning programs specifically for school nurses to earn nursing continuing professional development (NCPD) contact hours.
Take advantage of educational scholarships to help you meet your continuing education goals.
Support Connections
Ask questions and receive instant feedback and support from thousands of school nurse peers in NASN's trusted and professional online space, the All Member Forum.
Network and learn the newest trends and techniques in school nursing with fellow nurses at the national and state level at NASN's Annual Conference, offering both virtual and in-person events and state (affiliate) conferences while benefiting from member discounts.
Access a simple and convenient way to connect with others in NASN's online communities through the Connected Community mobile app.
Strength in Community
Join other school nurses in similar practice settings with NASN's special interest groups (SIGS); share knowledge and experiences in SIG online communities and meet up at the annual conference to deepen professional relationships.
Take advantage of combined or unified membership with NASN and your NASN state affiliate and gain access to state-specific online communities, newsletters, and resources.
Obtain affordable professional liability insurance rates through our partnership with the Nurses Service Organization (NSO).
Get exclusive discounts on several book titles offered by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).