Engagement Expectations
The National Association of School Nurses (NASN) and conference attendees will expect engagement activities in conference presentations. Presentations should have 1-2 engagement activities in a 60-minute presentation.
It is important that presenters plan for and integrate engagement activities into the presentation as it is created and before slides are shared with NASN.
Engagement activities range from icebreakers to conducting live audience polls. Please refer to these resources for inspiration.
Audience Engagement Strategies for More Meaningful Events
12 Ways to Engage Participants in Prerecorded Sessions
Important: In addition to engagement during the presentation, attendees will have access to the speaker email addresses. This may result in attendees contacting speakers directly.
Engagement Tools Provided by NASN
NASN offers tools that support audience engagement. These tools are described below. The tools are available for only these session types:
In-Person General Sessions; and
Virtual Live Web Sessions.
Important: Other sessions types including Breakout, Workshop, Anytime and Poster presentations will not have access to the engagement tools described on this web page. If one of these session types requires computer or mobile app software, please reach out to NASN's Meeting Planner Devin Dinkel ddinkel@nasn.org to discuss compatibility with conference presentation technology.
In-Person General Session Engagement Tools
If a general session requires computer or mobile app software not described below, please reach out to NASN's Meeting Planner Devin Dinkel ddinkel@nasn.org to discuss compatibility with conference presentation technology.
Speaker Q&A
NASN will secure a Q&A app called Slido.
NASN will make sure attendees know how use the app.
NASN will have a member of the NASN nursing team serve as the question moderator.
Presenters will encourage attendees to submit questions via the Slido app.
Presenters will let the question moderator know if they will respond to questions throughout the presentation or at the end of the presentation.
Audience Polling
NASN will secure a polling app called Slido.
NASN will make sure attendees know how use the app.
NASN will launch polls at appropriate times, close polls after one minute, and display poll results on the screen in the room.
Presenters will place each poll on its own slide in the presentation's slides. Presenters will inform NASN which slides have polls when they submit their slides.
Presenters will introduce their polls and allow the audience one minute to respond.
Participant Discussion List
NASN will host a discussion list for conference attendees and presenters.
NASN will create a discussion thread for each session at the conference to allow for discussion specific to each session.
Presenters can direct attendees to post follow-up questions or comments on the discussion list.
Virtual Live Web Session Engagement Tools
If a virtual live web session requires computer or mobile app software not described below, please reach out to NASN's Meeting Planner Devin Dinkel ddinkel@nasn.org to discuss compatibility with conference presentation technology.
Speaker Q&A
NASN's event player will have built-in Q&A functionality (see image below).
NASN will make sure attendees know how navigate the event player.
NASN will have a member of the NASN nursing team serve as the question moderator.
Throughout the presentation lecture, presenters will encourage attendees to submit questions via the Q&A tab in the event player. [NOTE: Live web presentations are recorded and then the recording is broadcast live to the audience.]
When the recorded presentation is broadcast, presenters will meet with NASN virtually to review audience questions and prepare for the Q&A after the presentation ends. Presenters will attend a technical training meeting a week or two prior to the broadcast to be oriented on this process.
Audience Polling
NASN's event player will have built-in poll functionality (see image below). It will display polls and poll results.
NASN will make sure attendees know how navigate the event player.
NASN will launch polls at appropriate times, close polls after one minute, and share poll results with presenters.
Presenters will place each poll on its own slide in the presentation's slides. Presenters will inform NASN which slides have polls when they submit their slides.
Presenters will direct attendees to participate in their polls by referencing the poll tab in the event player.
Presenters will allow the audience one minute to respond. [NOTE: Live web presentations are recorded and then the recording is broadcast live to the audience.]
Attendee Chat
NASN's event player will have built-in chat functionality (see image below).
NASN will make sure attendees know how navigate the event player.
NASN will have a member of the conference team serve as the chat moderator.
Presenters can encourage attendees to share things in the chat. [NOTE: Attendees often post questions and poll responses in the chat instead of in the correct Q&A and Poll tab. Presenters can help attendees by using the correct event player terms when directing them to engage.]
Presenters can read the chat while their recorded presentation is broadcast. Presenters will attend a technical training meeting a week or two prior to the broadcast to be oriented on this process.
Participant Discussion List
NASN will host a discussion list for conference attendees and presenters.
NASN will create a discussion thread for each session at the conference to allow for discussion specific to each session.
Presenters can direct attendees to post follow-up questions or comments on the discussion list.