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New Podcast: Language Access for Families With Limited English Proficiency Why Does It Matter?

By NASN Inc posted 11-01-2023 12:43


Cynthia Galemore, editor of NASN School Nurse, interviews authors Sheryl Bennett, Ellen McCabe, and Allison Squires to discuss the article "Language Access for Families With Limited English Proficiency: Why Does It Matter?"

Learn more about this article by reading the abstract below and listening to the podcast

This manuscript guides school nurses in addressing the unique needs of U.S. school-aged students and families with limited English proficiency (LEP). Owing to the increasing ethnic and racial diversity in U.S. K–12 schools, school nurses will likely encounter children and families with LEP. Students with LEP may be part of a family which immigrated to this country as permanent residents, are refugees, or asylum seekers. Some may be from migrant families who move throughout the region or country for work. School health services, including nursing services, may be the first and only health resource to which these children have consistent access. The availability and importance of language access services are highlighted, as well as tips for school nurses to advocate for language access resources, training for effective communication, understanding the legal landscape, and addressing cultural beliefs that influence health behaviors. Advocacy toward identifying the distinctive needs of families with LEP aims to help school nurses target equitable health outcomes.

