Blog Announcement Viewer

Anonymous Posting - A New Feature in the All Member Forum

By NASN Inc posted 01-02-2024 13:18


Welcome to 2024 and a new feature just for NASN members in the All Member Forum!

The new feature is "anonymous posting." This feature is ONLY available with posts made to the All Member Forum.

Here's how this feature works:

  • When submitting a new post or reply to the All Member Forum on the website, members will have the option to post the message anonymously.
  • When the anonymous feature is selected, members will be asked to confirm their understanding of the feature before they use it.
  • Anonymous posts will not include the member's name and must be in line with the code of conduct.
  • Anonymous posts will be held for approval by an All Member Forum administrator.
  • Approved anonymous posts will be labeled as "posted by anonymous member."

We are excited to offer this new feature to support members in posting content they may, otherwise, not have posted without anonymity.

If you have any questions or concerns, please leave a comment or email NASN at

