Immunization Transition Toolkit

This Immunization Transition Toolkit from the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) has been developed for use at the times of student transitions within the school systems including between elementary school and middle or intermediate school; between middle or intermediate school and high school; and between high school and college or career. These specific time periods can be stressful for students and parents as they prepare for the next change in their educational setting and are a great opportunity for the School Nurse to lessen the stress by giving specific health directives to students and families.

Parents report that the main reason that they do not immunize their child is that the healthcare provider has not recommended it or that they do not have sufficient knowledge about the vaccines.1,2 School Nurses are excellent communicators and develop relationships with students and families over the course of a child’s academic years. Providing recommendations, information, and community resources for access to health care and immunizations is key to a positive outcome for transitioning youth.

In this toolkit, School Nurses will find newsletter articles, letters that may be sent to parents and graduating students, and other resources of information. Improving health outcomes for students during these transition times is a benefit to families and the total health of the student community. School Nurses will want to use the toolkit before each transitioning time occurs and then may also find benefit in using the toolkit again with all entering transitioned students.

This toolkit was created by the National Association of School Nurses, in collaboration with Sanofi Pasteur.

1 Dorell, C., Yankey, D., & Strasser, S. (2011). Parent-reported reasons for nonreceipt of recommended adolescent vaccinations, National Immunization Survey-Teen, 2009. Clinical Pediatrics.

2 Bernstein, H, & Bocchini, J. (2017). Practical approaches to optimize adolescent immunization. Pediatrics, (139)3.

Page published May 2019.