
Strength in Numbers – I am NASN Strong

By Sue Zacharski, MEd, RN, BSN, FNASN posted 06-04-2015 22:38


Strength in Numbers – I am NASN Strong

I am an NASN School Nurse! Are you?Strength in Numbers is a National Association of School Nurses (NASN) Member-to-Member Campaign where NASN members recognize and share how NASN’s resources and opportunities benefit career and school health programs. Day to day, they connect with prospective members at work and through professional networks. This word-of-mouth marketing campaign, has been successful in growing NASN membership. Recruiting members strengthens the national and local voice of school nursing and keeping students healthy and academically successful. School nursing is a profession that makes a difference.

What does it mean to be “NASN Strong?”

#NASN StrongI suspect that in the NASN, with over 16,000 members, there are probably almost as many answers as there are members. “NASN Strong” is important to all NASN members and you; as an individual member of NASN makes NASN strong by uniting.

The practice of school nursing is complex and continually changing. School nurses practice in isolation and the activity on the SchoolNurseNet links all members in a professional community. As we connect, we see school nurses facing similar issues across many states. The information shared by school nurses helps us all improve our practice. One member posted her thanks after asking a question on the SchoolNurseNet All Member Forum.

“I want to thank everyone who has responded to this post. The outpouring of helpful tips, suggestions, and links to other websites has been nothing short of incredible I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful support system to lean on. I no longer feel so isolated.” Aleta Ennis, Michigan

Group of school nursesWe are not isolated when we are “NASN Strong.” We use tools NASN has given us to guide our practice. We provide assistance for a student and their family. Every time we utilize one of the position documents to provide evidence-based practices for a school board administrator, we are “NASN Strong.” We provide the credible source for medical information for the entire school community when communicable disease surfaces in our community and NASN is one of the first places we look for evidence based information.

We need each other for support. NASN is the only national professional organization dedicated to school nursing. Overseas and individual state school nursing organizations have a seat at the table. NASN is only as strong as its members and we, as individual School Nurses are “NASN Strong” when we contribute to NASN and the school nurse community.

This year, NASN will recognize those members who referred a colleague that joined the Strength in Numbers Membership Campaign. These STRONG members will be wearing an “NASN Strong” ribbon!

Be sure to TWEET, INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK or BLOG about your NASN experience.

NASN Strong!


This blog post submitted by Susan Zacharski on behalf of the NASN Membership Committee

Better Health. Better Learning.

