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Start 2017 with the New Stats4Vax!

By Susan Hoffmann, MSN, RN, NCSN posted 02-01-2017 09:26


Stats4Vax Challenge - Improving teen vaccination rates one school nurse at a time - An educational campaign from the National Association of School Nurses In collaboration with Sanofi Pasteur

Happy New Year, school nurses!

We were thrilled to see many of you prioritized teen immunization in 2016 by utilizing the Stats4Vax materials. More than 1,000 school nurses downloaded the tools and resources on, and we want that number to continue to rise in 2017.

We also heard from many school nurses in the Challenge pilot states that there are barriers to accessing the school-specific immunization data. That said, we decided to focus the 2017 Stats4Vax program on empowering school nurses to use program resources and speak with students and their parents/ guardians about the importance of immunization. Our hope is that immunization data will become easier to access for school nurses. We’ll look forward to re-engaging the Stats4Vax Challenge at that time.

As we are almost mid-way through the school year, we want to take this opportunity to get your feedback about the program. I encourage you all to please take this survey to share your thoughts about Stats4Vax and how we can further enhance the program. Your invaluable feedback makes our programs a success, so please take a few minutes to complete the survey by February 17!

Please don’t forget to prioritize teen health as part of your New Year’s resolution! Join us by visiting the Stats4Vax Resource Library and downloading the easy-to-use materials today.


