This Special Needs School Nurses (SNSN) Special Interest Group (SIG) was formed officially in February 2010 to provide a vehicle for communication, support, education, networking, and research. After informal meetings at NASN Annual Conferences beginning in 2006, this SIG had its first official meeting at the NASN conference in Chicago, Illinois on June 29, 2010.
This group includes school nurses who have a high interest in working with children who have special needs health care needs. School nurses interested in this area often feel isolated in the educational and health care systems. There is an increased focus on special needs law, health care technology, delegation, supervision, evidence based practice, psycho-social issues, and complex or rare diagnoses.
SNSN Leaders
Corinne Jones, MSN, RN, CSN-PEL
Coordinator of Health Services, CCSD 15
Dianne Hannak, DNP, MSN, BSN, CSN
Department of Student Services Nurse Coordinator
Linda Kimel, MSN, BSN, RN, CSN
Certified School Nurse
Rockford (IL) Public Schools
Community Discussion List Monitor
Tina Rusak, MSN, RN, NCSN, CMGT-BC
Nurse Care Coordinator
We look forward to having you join us in the SNSN SIG. Please contact one of us if you have questions.
What We Offer
- Professional development offerings facilitated through NASN.
- Informative and educational articles in the bi-monthly NASN School Nurse journal.
- Networking with special needs school nurses nationally and internationally.
- Sharing of ideas, practice suggestions, care plans, resources and more in the group's online community and discussion list.
- A newsletter distributed via the online community.
- Annual meetings as the NASN Annual Conference.
- Opportunities for:
- leadership development (SNSN SIG Leadership Group)
- mentoring / partnering
- writing for professional journals, editing for colleagues
- presentations (oral and posters),
- research coordination / collaboration
- partnerships
- grants and awards
- Legislative advocacy networking and support.
Online Community and Discussion List on SchoolNurseNet
The SNSN Community on SchoolNurseNet enables members to network with their colleagues throughout the year.
Outstanding School Nurse of the Year for Students with Special Needs Award
This award recognizes an outstanding school nurse with an emphasis on the care of students with special needs. Learn more about this award.
To become a member of this SIG, choose the SIG when you join NASN or add it anytime by editing your profile. If you need assistance, contact NASN.
Page last updated June 2024.