Our thoughts are with the communities and individuals affected by California's ongoing Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) fires. We stand in solidarity with those impacted by this crisis, which has been declared a public health emergency, to support the healthcare response.
The health and welfare of our nation's children and youth are dependent upon the quality of the environment in which they live, learn, play, and work.
School nurses play a vital role in contributing essential expertise, collaborating to achieve well-coordinated emergency preparedness before, during, and after events, and fostering resilient learning environments that are safe, supportive, and equitable for all students. The health and welfare of our nation's children and youth are dependent upon the quality of the environment in which they live, learn, play, and work.
The Chemical Insight Research Institute, with key public health and safety partners, including NASN, has developed a dedicated website, toolkit, and guidance document aimed at helping people living in WUI areas prepare for and recover from the health risks of wildfires.
NASN acknowledges that wildfires can have a devastating impact on education. As climate change continues to cause more severe and frequent disasters, destroying schools, damaging educational infrastructure, and displacing teachers and students, restoring educational services is paramount.
Other relevant resources potentially valuable for school nurses and those interested in protecting the health and safety of our communities and nation's children include the following: